London is amazing. That is all i have to say. Despite the rain, I was dazzled....
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Yes.... I am in London!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The beautiful Wales!!!
Highlights of Wales:
The first castle we went to, was pretty high up. We were looking through the windows where they would shoot bow and arrows. One was old and wider than the others. I decided to stick my body out as much as I could..being about 30-40 feet up... as I came back in, my shoe fell off into the mote below that was a non tourist place to go, and was guarded by the castle walls. I freaked out a bit because I though I was going to be shoeless for the next 2 days. Fortunately, my friend Tiare was able to hop the fence and get it. In the mean time I walked around the castle in my bright pink sock getting many weird stares.
Tiare and I were able to help a man up the hill that wasn't able to make it. It was a long story, but a really growing experience.
The hostel we stayed in that night was the best by far. It was in an awesome location. (castle city!) and we each had our own outlet plugs. we loved it.
Wales was simply stunning... I would go back in a heart beat.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Dublin Ireland
Highlights of Ireland...
So by far my favorite part of Dublin took place when me and my friend took a midnight stroll with our buddies Jacob and Garret past midnight in Dublin city. We got pretty far in the city, and got ready to turn around, when we heard a local pub singing "American Pie". Me and Tiare decided that we should get the whole pub experience so we went in and started belting out the song with all the drunk Irish people. It was one of the most fun things I've ever done. Everyone was so happy and they linked arms with us and started to sway back and forth. Pretty funny....
The hostel we stayed in was a former convent which was pretty exciting. There was statues of Christ, an old confessional booth, and a big cathedral we would eat in. This hostel was my favorite because it was a larger hostel and people from literally all around the world were there. We talked to people from Australia, Italy, Argentina, Spain, and there were girls all over from France etc. that did NOt like us. But it was a good culture experience.
The other thing I liked about Dublin is that they had really fun flee markets, fun shoppin and tons of street performers. I lOved it!!!
Overall Dublin was a fun city and fitting, but kinda sketchy at the same time! woot woot...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Ireland take 2!
Here's a few facts I discovered and found unusual in Irish Land:
Driving on the opposite side of the road can be super freaky, especially when the roads are narrow and you are driving right on the edge of a cliff...
Toliets flush in the opposite direction.. and Ireland can't seem to pick a style of toliet
all sink faucets have a faucet for hot, and one for cold. You push it and race until the water stops. Showers are exciting because the button lasts total of 30 seconds.
Pubs are probably the funnest thing i have done. It is good, clean fun minus the drinking! This was discovered as me and my friend entered one and watching the drunks sway to the song "american pie" . Haven't had that much fun in quite some time.
Apparently Convent Hostels like to wake you up with awesome European Techno music. It would def pass as runway music. Beware... if you ask if it is Irish music, you will be glared at and told it is just "on the radio"
The food here is extremely expensive, very small portions, and flavorless. But the cookies here and Digestive cookies rock my world!
The Irish make their money off of tourists.. their government is really crappy. Goes to show why they love foreigners. They are awesome people though.
Ireland is in a horrible recession.
And no one ever warned me that Irish men were so good lookin! and the "red hair" Irish stereo type is not true. I saw a total of 3 read heads.. one including my self.
The Irish doors are all different, bright and unique. We started a door collection.
That is all for now!!! Thanks for reading friends!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More Ireland
So I have now left Ireland and have traveled through Wales and am currently in London. I had a freakin great time in Ireland, and have so much to tell. To keep ya'll interested, i will only tell my highlights of Ireland...enjoy!!

OH MY one of my favorite parts of Ireland for some strange reason was Inch beach in Dingle Bay. (great Names huh) I just loved being at the beach and me and my friends took some sweet pics. I have hoards of pictures so I will spare everyone by only posting a few. This is a picture of me and my groupies in Ireland!!!
After much effort.. we reached this Irish waterfall. It was gorgeous and such a nice break from riding in the bus. Me and a few friends ended up actually getting so that was a plus also!
Well lookie here... this is me and Kenzie throwing our one cent euros into the Blarney castle river.. wishing for even more luck than we were about to get by kissing the Blarney stone. One of the most famous Irish castles contains a rock from the 800's. Rumor has it that if you kiss it, you will have Irish luck. Problem is, it is at the very top of the castle, and under neath a ledge. In order to kiss it, you have to bend your head back and kiss the stone that millions have kissed. So.. i did it! and after looking 100 feet to the ground.. it was worth it. Man these Irish people.. after kissing the stone and wishing in the river.. I sure have become more lucky! I mean look at me! I'm in Europe:)
Well that's it for now.... and i apologize for the crazy formatting, i seem to not know how to use this blogger thing! ha ha ta ta!
Friday, July 3, 2009
still here!!
So I am still in Ireland and loving the heck out of it!!! Through all of the touristy activities, and bus rides, there are definitely highlights that have stuck out. Here are a few of them along with pictures!!
We went to Killarney city which was a 20 minute drive from our Hostel. After eating in a pub, we could either walk to the hostel or grab a taxi. Me and most of my friends didn't want to pay the cab, so we decided t walk home which was an experience of a life time. We first got lost, and had some 10 year old Irish boys help us which was squeezing ourselves through a hole in the fence onto a main highway with no sidewalks. we then walked on the freeway for 2 and a half hours till 11 pm, (and it was still light). Best part was the little Irish boys were in love with us and followed us unitl they couldn't. One little boy was trying to impress us and almost biffed on his bike... as he recovered from his incident he replied in his proper Irish accent " I almost broke my ball sack!!" (pardon my language) we found it hilarious.. and eventually made it home safely.
Pictures... me and my friends at the canons in Bunratty castle, and riding the Dingle Penisula dolphin!!!
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