So here is a pic of the city of Dublin, Ireland. preTty Sweet huh? haha not a whole lot to see here in this pic, but Dublin was a happening place. To me, Dublin wasn't that big of a city compared to New York and London. It was for sure a sketchy place though. The first day we got there, in the newspaper was a story of a man who was stabbed in broad daylight, and who laid in the city square bleeding for an hour before someone helped. It freaked me out a bit. Despite this, Dublin had some awesome pubs, cute guys, amazing shopping (typical), and some really strange things too.... ![](
So this picture ain't nothin special... but considering I snuck the picture in a no picture zone makes it pretty amazing. This is the Library at Trinity college. Probably the coolest library ever! If you look closely there are books stacked from the bottom to the top... books that were very very old. Maybe I just found this cool because for one it was a library, and for two, it had the smell of books...which is amazing.
Here is a small sample of what the Trinity College in Dublin was like on a rainy day. We saw the Book of Kells here..which is an illuminated manuscript of the four gospels. (one of the oldest copies of the four gospels in the bible that survives) woa!!![](
As me and Nikki sat in this shoe store...we realized we were leaving Ireland without an Irish kiss.... so i was designated the lucky job to awkwardly ask him..."i know this is a really weird question... but we have a checklist to do in Ireland before we leave, and our last one is to kiss an Irish guy.." haha this dude instantly turned red. He looks 16 but in person more my age. Everyone around us laughed and he darted away after... it was preTTy funny!
We were pretty ecstatic when we found Subway for only 2 euros...which is the cheapest food we've gotten yet. It was raining outside and we went into a Mcdonalds to eat, and got kicked out. So we sat and ate probably where a bum the rain, pretty upset that the one place that reminded us of America, kicked us out. ![](
Many strange things happened in Dublin... many strange people were there. This white thing started dancing with me.. and then gave me a sucker?
Oh and don't worry... Michael Jackson didn't die, but was hiding in Ireland. This dude was either high on drugs or had something wrong because he was shaking with his all white eyes... freaky!!!
Me, Nikki, Kenzie found my newest favorite store.. Acessorize. I loved everything in there and we found these cool hats that everywhere in Europe has... ! sweet![](
Sunday..walking the "30 mins" our instructors told us it took to church. This is at the beginning of our walk.. when we still had energy. And yes, the walk was MUCh longer than 30 mins. On the way, I stepped on a wobbly tile and just my luck mud shot up my skirt. Go figure
This picture is to simply show my teacher Wendy, and how aweomse she is. Instead of being a professor, she's more like a mother...and basically told us to have fun and that will be our grade! awesome..![](
Our second trip to church for the fireside... We wore tennis shoes and skirts. Cute huh.
The Irish church!!!
Highlights of Ireland...
So by far my favorite part of Dublin took place when me and my friend took a midnight stroll with our buddies Jacob and Garret past midnight in Dublin city. We got pretty far in the city, and got ready to turn around, when we heard a local pub singing "American Pie". Me and Tiare decided that we should get the whole pub experience so we went in and started belting out the song with all the drunk Irish people. It was one of the most fun things I've ever done. Everyone was so happy and they linked arms with us and started to sway back and forth. Pretty funny....
The hostel we stayed in was a former convent which was pretty exciting. There was statues of Christ, an old confessional booth, and a big cathedral we would eat in. This hostel was my favorite because it was a larger hostel and people from literally all around the world were there. We talked to people from Australia, Italy, Argentina, Spain, and there were girls all over from France etc. that did NOt like us. But it was a good culture experience.
The other thing I liked about Dublin is that they had really fun flee markets, fun shoppin and tons of street performers. I lOved it!!!
Overall Dublin was a fun city and fitting, but kinda sketchy at the same time! woot woot...
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